Giving Back
I truly believe that each individual can make a positive difference in the world. Small choices like the products you purchase, the services you use and the food that you eat can all make a difference to the environment, economy, and local and world community.
That being said, I also believe it is important to support other people and organizations that are doing good things in our world, as well as people that may just need a little extra help. Urban Earth Teas has two different programs that allows us to donate a percentage of our sales to local and global charities and organizations as well as community members in need.
Teas for Bees: Features teas blended using ingredients that are well known for providing food for pollinators. All profits from these teas are donated to Pollinator Partnership Canada.
Pollinator Partnership Canada: Bees are not only cute, fluffy and fascinating creatures, they are absolutely critical to the health of our ecosystems and our food supply. Pollinator Partnership Canada (P2C) is a registered not-for-profit organization in Canada dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems. For more information on their mission and programs, please visit
Communi-tea Fundraising Project: Features custom blended teas as well as luxury single ingredient teas. Profits from the sale of these teas support local organizations and charities including:
Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society: PROWLS is an amazing local society that helps injured and orphaned birds and other wildlife in Powell River. Find out more at
Lift Community Services: Urban Earth Teas supports food security projects offered through Lift Community Services in the qathet Regional District. Life Community Services focuses on helping all people in the qathet region by reducing social inequities and by providing support and advocacy for anyone who needs it. Find out more at
Nature Trust BC: Nature Trust BC helps to conserve BC's biological diversity by securing and managing ecologically significant lands. For more information about their mission and their Priority Projects, please visit